
I had the fortune of meeting Amy on quora over a year ago.

 Amy’s writing touched me deeply. I was drawn to her grounded and deeply spiritual words. Amy emphasizes non-duality and seeing through the mind chatter to the heart space of TRUTH.
Amy’s own spiritual journey allowed her to traverse the ups/downs of the awakening experience. Amy is a powerful light in the spiritual community and is an inspiration to those she knows. She has helped me countless times and has always brought clarity to whatever I was facing.
The twin flame journey can often be confusing and the available online info is overwhelming. Amy is unique in the way she approaches this journey. She has NEVER perpetuated suffering and brings you back to center time and again so that one can step into the liberation of truth. I’m forever grateful for Amy and the support she’s offered on this journey.
I met with Jim and Amy for a 2+ hour video chat and their combined wisdom helped me move through some very tough things. Jim and Amy’s energy is authentic, magnetic, and bright. They make an incredible team with their individual backgrounds. There was laughter, tears, truth, light, and above all LOVE as I found resolve through the tough topics we addressed in the video chat.
Amy and Jim are a beautiful blessing to the Twin Flame community. They are a couple that personifies the whole point of this crazy journey. The magic of love and light. Magic IS real.


Amy has piercing insight into the way the human mind/ego shows up in all the subtle ways to sabotage our happiness. Along my spiritual journey, Amy’s guidance not only guided me through my blind spots, but her words were always comforting, reassuring and empowering. She is a great listener and showed me great empathy and advice that helped me navigate my dark journey immensely. I couldn’t have done it without her. She was like an angel who showed up in my life! She continues to be my source of support and light. Amy cuts through the fluff and gets to the bottom of the real deep-seated issues. I highly recommend her!


Whatever their hearts are aching for, we have attempted to assist them with moving towards that. 

Jim and Amy @ Zero Point Shamanism


They have accomplished this in my life, my granddaughter’s life, and those that surround us. My story:


I have searched for the meaning of Love in many places, times, and at many levels.

It is at the Zero point of everything. At Zero, Love is all.


At Zero,

I see my Healers Jim and Amy and their Twin Flame Love.

It encompasses All and is beautiful beyond description.

They are a Healing Light that glistens in brilliance.


At Zero,

they hold my little Kelsey,

and her hurt exists no longer.

They offer her back to me. 

I cry tears of peace.


   My granddaughter was rushed to an emergency room in August 2017 at the age of 3. She suddenly could not walk two steps without shaking and falling. Bruising from always falling, she also could not feed herself without dumping food all over the place. She was immediately scheduled for a CT scan, lab work, and lumbar puncture to diagnose her condition. All this took place under sedation and not only scared the little girl to no end but her parents were terrified. The ER doctors were unable to pinpoint a cause, deciding to keep her under observation for a few days. Her condition was determined to be “general ataxia” of unknown origin. The doctors really wanted to drill into that “unknown origin” and subsequently scheduled her for followup labs and scans – all except the labs required sedation of a little 3-year-old girl. They even examined her urine. The “experts” were at a loss and wanted to get her a place at the Mayo Clinic. A specimen. Everyone was heartbroken.  


  In late September and October 2017, Amy and Jim offered a “better way.” One that took healing on a different path. His “Shamanistic Modality” as he termed it was applied to her with gentle love and care. Her healing was a slow event at first but I could see improvement. I could see strength in her eyes then and in her walk and more steadiness in her arms. As I wrote in late October 2017 to Jim and Amy:

“He’s done more work on that little girl than she’s ever had by anything anyone in the conventional medical world ever. Kelsey is napping. Blessings to you and Jim for everything you’ve done. You and Jim are a godsend to me and I love you both beyond description. I can feel Kelsey healing as I think of her, touch her and hold her. Need Kleenex. Please pass to Jim Amy. Your love together is overwhelming.”


  Kelsey has had continued improvement from that point when Jim and Amy intervened. Confounding the “experts” whose reply was that, “we should do more tests to find out why!”. Further intervention by the “knowledgeable western medicine maniacs” was not to be. Even the parents had had enough of the poking and prodding. 


  During the time Jim was working with Kelsey, I thought of him as the character “Gandalf,” the good wizard from “The Lord of the Rings.” In one scene, Gandalf is holding his ancient staff and challenging evil with the stern warning, “this shall NOT stand!” Jim fought Kelsey’s distress with the same words and determination as Gandalf. I still feel that very way about Jim deep in my bones forever.


  Jim and Amy still check-in on Kelsey from time to time, and I am grateful. 


   I had lunch with her this past Thursday at her pre-school.

   She can pick out Hershey’s chocolate morsels just fine. 


Namaste Forever


Amy was incredible. In this journey of twin flame separation, I have at times become very confused. I reached to Amy for guidance. Her guidance was pure, authentic and so detailed. I resonated with the words as aligned and in truth to my situation. I highly recommend her and truly valued her professionalism and connection during this time.
