by Amy | Friday, January 31, 2020 | Consciousness, Enlightenment, Manifestation, Mind, Telepathy, Twin Flame
Because Consciousness is One, it can telepathically connect through different bodies/minds. The connection is always available to us, whether we know it or not. What blocks it is the mind and all of its limited beliefs and ideas about how things work or...
by Amy | Sunday, January 12, 2020 | Consciousness, Ego, Enlightenment, Kundalini, Meditation, Mind, Self-inquiry, Triggering, Twin Flame
Now that my twin and I have been in union for a few years, we can more clearly see what many of the obstacles to union are. Before union, we were confused about what union is. The twin flame community and other spiritual communities are full of advice from...
by Amy | Thursday, January 2, 2020 | Consciousness, Meditation, Mind, Twin Flame
Most twins have experienced or are currently in a situation where one is running and the other is chasing. Chaser twins will often get to a point where they want to give up on the connection and Surrender it to the Universe, which is an important part of the journey...
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