When you identify with a label, you lock yourself in.  When you say, I am this, or I am that you don’t leave room for the fluidity of freedom of pure consciousness: https://zeropointshamanism.com/what-is-consciousness/

You limit yourself to something that you are not at your core.

This is what people who want to stay in the prison of their minds do, not people who want to be free.

This is what mass media does to control people to keep them stuck in false separation.  This is part of the spiritual war that is going on in society.

The Satanic mainstream media, which is controlled by very, very dark and evil entities, keeps the human race fighting with one another by design.  They prop up ideas of separation so that we will continue not seeing the Truth of what we are.

They keep us separated with ideas of black vs. white, male vs. female, gay vs. heterosexual (and all the endless labels that go along with that), Conservative vs. Liberal, Republican vs. Democrat, etc.  The list is forever growing.  The more labels they have to get us to cling to, the more they can help us to imprison ourselves within them.  They are very successful in keeping us rooted in identifications and, therefore, fighting amongst ourselves with these false labels.  When we fight with each other, we do not see who they are and what they are doing to us.

I say false labels even though many of you still identify with them.

When you zoom out of the myopia of this world to what you truly are, the labels make no sense whatsoever.  You are not them. You have never been them.  They are only temporary coverings you have identified with in this life.

As Ram Dass so wonderfully said, “We are all God in drag.”

We only pretend to be these labels.  Just like children pretend to be different things for fun.  But even parents take this too far and begin taking their play seriously.  It can all be very detrimental to everyone.  It keeps us stuck in false separation when what you are is pure Consciousness with no restrictions, labels, or identifications whatsoever.

It is only the mind that creates restrictions.

You have the freedom to pretend labels are you. 

You have the freedom to let them go and see them for what they are. 

Which will you choose?

Who or what will you “identify” with?  Or will you allow the identifications to fall like armor to the ground to allow your true being, which is not locked into anything, to flow freely?

The choice has always been yours.

Will you allow others to manipulate you into playing pretend so you can continue fighting with others wearing different labels?  It only keeps you bound and controlled by evil forces who are so caught up in the dark false separation that they cannot see their way out. Are you like them?

If you are going to play pretend, be aware you are doing it and enjoy it for what it is.  But don’t take it seriously.

Subscribing to and staying stuck in any label is not the full Light of Truth and God, which has no labels whatsoever and is pure freedom.  And to go into that pure freedom of Union with God, you must see through them all.

Those in control are afraid you will realize this.  If you realize this, you are no longer able to be controlled.

If you realize this fully, your mind loosens, and more Light/God can filter in until the full implosion into God occurs, and you are fully Awake.  

And if you are here because you identify with the label “twin flame,” attempt to see past that label too.  All labels cause bondage.  You might be going through the “twin flame experience,” but it is just an experience and not what you are at your core being, which is limitless and free of all labels and mental constructs.  So view it as just an experience while you are here, and don’t root yourself so deeply in the label (or any label) that it keeps you from feeling your limitless nature.

It’s funny how the human mind so often chooses prison over freedom.  And it never has to be that way.  Freedom has always been here.  It is only the mind and all its limited thinking that blocks it.