by Amy | Tuesday, April 28, 2020 | Catalyst Twin, Mind, Self-inquiry, Spiritual Awakening, Triggering, Twin Flame, Union
Catalyst twins reflect mental and emotional bondage that needs to clear before a true twin flame union. Many twin flames will go through the experience of having a catalyst twin before they meet and go into union with their real twin. It is hard to say how many twins...
by Amy | Thursday, April 9, 2020 | Consciousness, Energy Healing, Enlightenment, Manifestation, Meditation, Mind, Self-inquiry, Spiritual Awakening, Union
Right now, we are facing some very dark times worldwide due to the coronavirus and all that entails, which is a lot. In my opinion, there is a lot more going on than just a virus. I am going to share my opinion about what I think is going on. Keep in mind, due to...
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