by Amy | Friday, May 15, 2020 | Twin Flame, Union
We have been compiling a list of twin flame love songs for a few years now. Some songs Jim and I picked, and some other songs other twins have sent us. Thank you to those who have contributed to this list! If you have any favorites to share, please leave in the...
by Amy | Wednesday, May 6, 2020 | Consciousness, Ego, Enlightenment, Mind, Spiritual Awakening, Twin Flame
In January I wrote an article on the spiritual ego and how it is one of our biggest obstacles to spiritual awakening and twin flame union: In many spiritual communities, the spiritual ego is...
by Amy | Tuesday, May 5, 2020 | Consciousness, Enlightenment, Spiritual Awakening
I have to ask the question: Are we on the brink of a mass awakening? I do not just mean just spiritually, but politically and as a society as well? Are we approaching the 100th monkey? It certainly feels like we are. When several people I know send me the same...
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