Most twins have experienced or are currently in a situation where one is running and the other is chasing.  Chaser twins will often get to a point where they want to give up on the connection and Surrender it to the Universe, which is an important part of the journey to union.  But as they attempt to let go, they continue to be tormented with their intense emotions and sometimes even telepathy coming from their twin. This makes it difficult for them to let go and Surrender fully.  This is a very common challenge for twins and part of the purpose for some to help lead them to union.

First, it must be noted that Surrender, full Surrender, is not something that happens with the mind.  It happens when the mind gives up trying to figure the situation out.  It happens when the mind has exhausted itself and cannot find a solution.  The mind gives up naturally after all options (to the mind) have run their course.  For some, this can happen fairly quickly, but for most twins, it can take years for the mind to burn itself out. There are many layers of conditioned mental energy that must be seen through before the mind will burn up into the Light of Truth, where union can occur.

The mind often has a very difficult time letting go when it is haunted by the energetic connection and the telepathic energy coming from the other twin. This is why it is important to allow yourself to fall into the emotions so it can clear out. You are being haunted by the energy so it can uproot the conditioned mind and emotional body more thoroughly so union can occur. But this poses a problem for the mind (ego) and the mind wants to pull away from the energy rather than address it. It believes that it needs to run away from the energy rather than go into it so it can run its course and clear certain layers of energy out.

So how can twins who want to Surrender and let go of their non-committal twin do that when they are being tormented day and night with emotional telepathy or just the energetic connection itself? 

I have a solution to this that can help twins Surrender and move closer to union.

First, you must understand that you and your twin are not separate.  You are connected through pure Consciousness.  The twin flame experience itself is showing you how Consciousness is not separate through the connection you are experiencing.  For a bit more on what pure Consciousness is:

As one twin feels intense emotions, the other twin can pick up on it and the dance of telepathic energy begins.  It is like a pushing and pulling of energy back and forth.  The more intense the emotions, the more they can escalate until everything runs its course and calms down again.  At first, it is like a loop that is created where one feels something and then the other picks up on it and they feed energy back and forth to each other and it circles around. It could also be viewed like a wave that rises and then subsides back into stillness again.  It all happens naturally.  It happens just like emotions naturally occur in individuals when their minds focus on something in particular.  And sometimes, when one twin feels the other pulling away, pushing away or letting go, the other twin can feel that too. It should also be mentioned that not all twins will notice telepathy and this should not be an indicator that they are not twins as some proclaim.

So let’s say you are the twin that feels as though you are being tormented by your twin’s emotions, and you are trying to move on from them because they are not honoring the connection in the physical 3D environment. 

Here is what I recommend doing:

You need to ALLOW yourself to feel all the emotions that are coming up; their emotions and your emotions.

 To Surrender and let go does not mean to suppress emotions or attempt to block them, even your twin’s emotions.  To Surrender means to ALLOW. 

You allow all emotions to come up and you allow them to fully play out until they subside. You ride the waves of emotions without attempting to get off.  You don’t need to try to amplify them or alter them either.  But you sit back as a silent/neutral witness and you simply watch and allow yourself and feel everything that is coming up FULLY.   Just be the watcher like you are watching a film. You will most likely have to experience many layers of emotions and many times of doing this before things clear out more fully and you enter into a more silence and stillness.

Twins are helping to transmute each other’s energies and digest them so the clear Light of Truth can enter.  If you are blocking emotions from yourself or your twin, things are not clearing so you can go into union.

Union pulls twins together once we reach a more clear space of stillness.

It might help if you look at your twin’s energy as your own energy.  Do not see it as separate from you and it might be easier for you to allow it to flow through without blocking it so it has a chance to clear. 

Treat it like you would when allowing energies to clear in meditation.  If you don’t have experience with meditation, that is okay; you can still do this. And the wonderful thing is, you can do this with all energies you find hard to pass through not just telepathic twin flame energy. The more you do this, the clearer you become and the more you move into your true Self beyond the ego/mind.

When you meditate, you move into a higher state of awareness and allow yourself to feel the energies of emotions while seeing the thought stories that rise up with them.  You watch all of this transient energy flow from a neutral viewpoint or a silent witness state, just like you were the eye of a storm.  You actually are the eye of the storm in reality but, due to the conditioned mind and all of its ideas, this is usually hidden from view.

This practice, if done over and over again will move you back into your true state where all things outside of your true Self are viewed as transient energy flow.  You will move into what is permanent rather than being jerked around by transient energy. From that still space, you can join with the energy or step outside of it. You are free to move with it or not.

You are NOT the emotions or sensations you feel. You are not the thoughts that come up in your mind; you are that which is aware of those things. 

These energies can pass through you, but they are not you. They are only energies flowing through your Awareness. So allow yourself to be aware of these energies so they can pass through without getting trapped.  You do not need to judge them or attempt to change them.  Just watch them and they will untangle and fall away into pure stillness over time. 

I have created a PDF that goes more in-depth on how to help clear these energies from yourself:

When these energies clear, you naturally move into the infinite space of silence and stillness and this is where union is more likely to occur. 

You are moving into the pure light where the twin and you are naturally pulled together energetically in the physical world. The limited 3D emotional and mental attachments are falling away so that that the energy of pure light can pull twins together in the physical world. This is what union is about.

Many people, usually those not in union yet giving advice on how to go into union, will say that a twin flame union is not about coming together romantically or physically in the physical world. If it is not about that, then why is there such a strong magnetic draw to be with them in the physical? That draw is there for that purpose so that physical union can occur. And, yes, romance is a part of it for the majority of twins. Not all. There will always be exceptions because Consciousness loves variety. But for the majority, it is about romance. Union is about spiritual work to get there, but it is also about romance. It is about both. If it was not about romance and physical attraction, most of us would never desire to be with our twin in the physical. It would be too much work and we would walk away without even trying.

You must do the work of clearing the conditioned mental and emotional energy so that you can move into a physical romantic union with your twin. It is spiritual, it is physical and the most amazing romance you could ever have with another human being on this planet. It is worth the work it takes to move through your past conditioning so you can naturally fall into it.