I have to ask the question: Are we on the brink of a mass awakening? I do not just mean just spiritually, but politically and as a society as well? Are we approaching the 100th monkey? It certainly feels like we are.
When several people I know send me the same video, like they did this one, within the same hour, I begin to wonder. I think it is essential for people to see this:
I would love to see your comments. It is getting exciting that more and more truths are coming out about how dark forces have deceived the public for so many years. The sleeping giant appears to be wiping the sleep from its eyes.
Those that stand up for Truth are brave.
Honesty, courage, and trusting our hearts is what will bring in a new world.
UPDATE: The link above is currently not working because the film is being censored. Here is another link that will hopefully not be censored: The Plandemic Movie
Thanks for this Amy – one of the most conclusive pieces I’ve watched. I’m sharing everywhere I possibly can.
Thanks so much, Liz! Yes, I thought so too. That woman is a true hero. I hope more see that video and share it everywhere. This world is so overdue for a mass awakening. I have been waiting for this since the late 90s. I think twin flames have something to do with that awakening for certain. It is becoming more obvious every day. “For those that have eyes to see, ears to hear…”
Glad you posted this, Amy! There’s too many ridiculous things going on worldwide that don’t add up. Surely, people are beginning to question what mainstream media is pushing!
Thanks, Katie. You would think. But many that still watch MSM stay poisoned by it. It’s hard to see out of when you immerse yourself in it all the time. It is like keeping yourself drugged/brainwashed. Hopefully, people will turn to alternative media more and research more for themselves instead of just accepting what MSM says and never doing any research. You can tell who is attempting to hide truths by all the censorship that is going on. I recently deleted my Pinterest account due to all the things they are censoring now about vaccines and the nasty stuff they are putting in them, viruses included. Thanks for reading/watching!