Our Blog
Identifications Are Prison Bars
When you identify with a label, you lock yourself in. When you say, I am this, or I am that you don’t leave room for the fluidity of freedom of pure consciousness: https://zeropointshamanism.com/what-is-consciousness/ You limit yourself to something that you...
Stand in Your Power
I did not think I would be back so soon after the last blog article I wrote. But I got a wild hair after Jim, and I watched the documentary Desperately Seeking Soulmate – Escaping Twin Flames Universe on Amazon. We were shocked by what we saw, and I wanted to...
“If You Can’t Say Anything Nice, Don’t Say Anything at All”
I am not sure where I first heard that saying. I don’t think I learned it from my mother. But it appeared in the background of my thoughts many times over the last few years and nearly every time I thought about putting up another blog article. It’s part of that...
Willful Blindness is Evil Because It Helps Evil Grow to Monstrous Proportions
I have mentioned the idea of willful blindness in the past and how important it is to face our own darkness and not be afraid to see it. However, it is just as important to face outer darkness or societal/world darkness too. Because when you do not...
For Those With Eyes To See
The past several years have been an incredible journey for Amy and me. We met, married, and started our lives together. We were fortunate to have had our honeymoon before the lockdown and the sundry craziness that has been happening in the world. The time for the...
“If You Could Flip a Switch and Open Your Third Eye, You Would See That We Should Never Be Afraid to Die”
I have been out of touch for quite some time for several reasons and wanted to post an article and update. The Covid PLANdemic, yes, PLANNED, through us for a loop. A big one. It has been a significant disruptor in all of our lives and caused incredible stress by...
You Are the Timeline
It is becoming more apparent how much confusion there is around this idea of timelines and the spiritual awakening that is occurring for many people worldwide. First, let me say that not all people are here to awaken right now. But many are. If you are reading this,...
Twin Flame Love Songs
We have been compiling a list of twin flame love songs for a few years now. Some songs Jim and I picked, and some other songs other twins have sent us. Thank you to those who have contributed to this list! If you have any favorites to share, please leave in the...
How The False Light of The Spiritual Ego Helps Keep The Masses Asleep
In January I wrote an article on the spiritual ego and how it is one of our biggest obstacles to spiritual awakening and twin flame union: https://zeropointshamanism.com/an-obstacle-to-union-the-spiritual-ego/ In many spiritual communities, the spiritual ego is...
Are We on The Brink of a Mass Awakening?
I have to ask the question: Are we on the brink of a mass awakening? I do not just mean just spiritually, but politically and as a society as well? Are we approaching the 100th monkey? It certainly feels like we are. When several people I know send me the same...