by Amy | Wednesday, November 1, 2023 | Consciousness, Enlightenment, Mind, Self-inquiry, Spiritual Awakening, Twin Flame, Union
When you identify with a label, you lock yourself in. When you say, I am this, or I am that you don’t leave room for the fluidity of freedom of pure consciousness: You limit yourself to something that you...
by Amy | Thursday, October 12, 2023 | Catalyst Twin, Ego, Enlightenment, Meditation, Mind, Self-inquiry, Spiritual Awakening, Synchronicities, Telepathy, Twin Flame, Union
I did not think I would be back so soon after the last blog article I wrote. But I got a wild hair after Jim, and I watched the documentary Desperately Seeking Soulmate – Escaping Twin Flames Universe on Amazon. We were shocked by what we saw, and I wanted to...
by Amy | Monday, January 4, 2021 | Consciousness, Ego, Enlightenment, Mind, Self-inquiry, Spiritual Awakening, Triggering, Twin Flame, Union
I have been out of touch for quite some time for several reasons and wanted to post an article and update. The Covid PLANdemic, yes, PLANNED, through us for a loop. A big one. It has been a significant disruptor in all of our lives and caused incredible stress by...
by Amy | Tuesday, April 28, 2020 | Catalyst Twin, Mind, Self-inquiry, Spiritual Awakening, Triggering, Twin Flame, Union
Catalyst twins reflect mental and emotional bondage that needs to clear before a true twin flame union. Many twin flames will go through the experience of having a catalyst twin before they meet and go into union with their real twin. It is hard to say how many twins...
by Amy | Thursday, April 9, 2020 | Consciousness, Energy Healing, Enlightenment, Manifestation, Meditation, Mind, Self-inquiry, Spiritual Awakening, Union
Right now, we are facing some very dark times worldwide due to the coronavirus and all that entails, which is a lot. In my opinion, there is a lot more going on than just a virus. I am going to share my opinion about what I think is going on. Keep in mind, due to...
by Amy | Sunday, March 1, 2020 | Enlightenment, Meditation, Mind, Self-inquiry, Spiritual Awakening, Triggering, Union
Many people that are going through a spiritual awakening feel the need to seclude themselves more from the world as they go through the internal looking process. As we go within to cast off what is false within our minds so Truth can be known, through the process of...
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