
Right now, we are facing some very dark times worldwide due to the coronavirus and all that entails, which is a lot. In my opinion, there is a lot more going on than just a virus. I am going to share my opinion about what I think is going on. Keep in mind, due to my being conditioned differently than you, some of my opinions may not resonate with you. Take what resonates and drop the rest. Follow your heart and instincts with all things. They are your built-in compass for your life purpose and spiritual path.
There is so much stress worldwide and some may feel like they are drowning in it because they are losing their livelihoods and facing a tremendous amount of fear when they look towards their future. There is a lot of uncertainty that can cause an avalanche of heavy emotions to surface. From my perspective, this is all by design. This heavy darkness is to get us to wake up more to the light of Truth within ourselves.
Based on how I view the world due to what I have seen over the years, the virus is nowhere near as much of a problem as what mainstream media is telling us it is. Instead, there is a tremendous amount of deception going on.
Before I talk about how I think some of the best ways to deal with all the stress of this time, I want to touch on some things related to my life and my perception of how the mainstream media (MSM) is functioning today.
For most of my life, I have been a truth seeker. I was not always a spiritual truth seeker, but I was always looking for truths in some way or another. When I was young, I tried to make sense of a world that was very confusing to me. For instance, when I was I child and attended church, I greatly resonated with the teachings of Jesus. What I absorbed from those teachings was love, honesty, and kindness. But in my church classes, as we were learning these things, some of the other children around me did not appear to value these things as I did. They were more concerned with who was wearing the most expensive clothes and had the most expensive material things. And if you could not compete, they were not kind. I tried to understand the contrast between kindness and living for materialism, but I had trouble with the dichotomy. I knew things were not right in this world, and I felt it from a very early age.
In Jr. High I read “1984”, and in college, I saw the film “Manufacturing Consent.” Both had a profound effect on my psyche.
In college I studied politics, media, and marketing and discovered many things I found disturbing; the concentration of mainstream media ownership being one of them. I felt the more concentrated mainstream media ownership became, the more lies the public would be told based on the special interests of those owners. Once you examine and awaken to certain things about how society functions, it is hard to go back to sleep.
I went through 911 as we all did, but due to my truth-seeking, I began to see many of the falsehoods that mainstream media was engineering concerning so many events, 911 included. I began to research quite a bit and only then did more things begin to make sense about why the world is the way it is. I began to see us all as living in a “Wag the Dog” world. And it was becoming more clear that most were still deeply asleep to what I and many others were awakening to.
I watched many false flags and psyops come and go over the years and saw through most of them not long after they occurred. Occasionally, I would get sucked into the MSM drama again for a time, but it would not take long for me to wake up and see through the deception again. Over the years I lost all trust in MSM. I was always amazed at how people might awaken a tiny bit to some media deception, including myself, and then go right back to sleep due to paying attention and believing mainstream media all over again. It was like we would begin to wake up to truths, but then go right back to sleep when something fearful happened. Fear is what blinds us to deception. It was as though we poisoned ourselves with MSM again and again. It seems every few years there is something new to terrorize the public with for the purpose of a much more dark hidden agenda.
I went deep down into many conspiracy rabbit holes that left me horrified at what I found. I found that many “conspiracies” were not a conspiracy at all but were actual things that were happening and were 100% true. There is pure evil among us for certain, and many of those we consider leaders are people who should never be trusted with anything to do with leadership. Most of these entities should not be trusted with anything as important as that. They are seldom held accountable for their crimes against humanity and their blatant lies. Excuses are made for them, even if they told lies to the public so they could be put into a leadership role. Those people who elected them will often turn a blind eye, to save face. And they very often stay stuck in the false right vs. left political paradigm.
The public, being caught up in the false right vs. left paradigm, fights with each other instead of seeing who is pulling all of their strings. Like a psychopathic record stuck on repeat, the public continues to believe the deception of their puppet masters again and again through the mouthpiece of MSM.
Believing lies often feels easier than facing truths. But when you continue to accept lies and make excuses for those who tell them repeatedly, you are helping evil to take over.
You have joined forces with darkness then. And there is a saying that evil flourishes when good men do nothing. Evil has been flourishing in our world for a very long time.
What goes on today in society is mass deception for the power and greed of a tiny few. A vast majority of the public have grown accustomed to their comfortable lives and have sold their honor and integrity for something very dark to take its place. If they have comfortable lives, why should they question anything? This is how dark forces take over. Many are keeping their heads stuck in the sand out of choice. And some, out of extreme fear too. Many of these dark forces have used blackmail to keep good people from speaking out. Courage, honor and integrity have been lost on a massive worldwide scale. And to be awake and witness this is devastating.
But now with this new event, this virus is disrupting so many once comfortable lives. Dark forces are using it as an excuse to take innate rights and freedoms away, something the New World Order globalists have wanted to do for decades. When you trace these events, it always goes back to the banking system. There is a reason Jesus went into a rage and violently flipped the money-changing tables over.
You must orchestrate chaos in order to institute a new system of mass control. It is hard to put in new systems of controls without an excuse to do it. Fear and chaos provides that excuse. The NWO motto is Order Out of Chaos.
Maybe the chaos caused by this new virus event will be the 100th monkey that wakes the rest out of complacency and fear so that pendulum can swing back and pull the world into more light again. This world has become very unbalanced by these dark forces. Unfortunately, history does repeat, especially when most have lost sight of history and no longer study it. Society as a whole has become more like the film “Idiocracy” due to the willful blindness, lack of integrity and lack of honesty of so many.
There has always been an agenda behind mainstream media, and it is not a good one. It is not benevolent. It does not have anything to do with kindness, freedom, Truth, or helping others to expand to their fullest potential.
It has more to do with instilling fear and overpowering others to rob them of innate freedoms so that an elite few can fill their selfish needs due to the lack of light they can perceive within themselves.
The dark forces behind MSM are looking to unify their powers worldwide and are working towards that today. The steps they are taking with this virus are part of that plan. It is easy to see for those of us who have been studying these things for years and are fully awake to these sorts of things. It is much harder for those to see who are still consuming MSM and are under its spell.
The entities at the helm of this mass deception are what I would term “infant souls.” And many question if they are even human. Another film “They Live” comes to mind. They have very little true light they can perceive from within themselves. Just like the symbology of the fallen angel, they are shrouded in dense layers of mental distortion and have not yet had enough lifetimes to develop empathy to move back towards the pure light of Truth/the True Self. Because of this mental darkness, they thrive by stealing liberties from others. And even though these entities are doing horrific things, they are still a part of us. We are all Consciousness, and there is no separation within that.
Light is what creates darkness in the first place. That is why moving into more light is up to us.
We have to face our conditioned darkness (fears) and our self-deception for the entire world to move into more light and for all of us to come out of this era of mass deception.
We must be willing to live in honesty and integrity. If we do not, this world, a world of our making, will slide into further darkness and chaos. If we cannot be honest with ourselves, then the world grows darker. Those that understand how manifestation works can understand this.
Honesty is the Light of Truth.
This is what will lead to freedom for all if we are willing to face ourselves.
As we move through layers of experiences in these seemingly separate bodies, we have the opportunity to move into more light, happiness, and freedom. Or we can fall back into more darkness, fear, and bondage. We have the free will to choose either. This is how we are innately free at our core. But many of us choose fear and, thus, bondage over freedom and happiness.
True Awakening moves us along the gradient of dark and back into pure light again when we refuse to follow fears and are willing to see through our own self-deception. As we practice and become more in tune with following our hearts instead of our fears, we naturally move back into our innate light. We cannot do this if we are not honest with ourselves about everything. Honesty is the key here. If we are unwilling to be honest with ourselves, we will stay stuck in darkness and this will be reflected in our outer world.
Be willing to be honest with yourself about everything.
Being honest with ourselves takes practice. But it gets easier the more you do it. The more you do it the more the world opens up for you in ways that you might not even be able to imagine now.
When we are honest with ourselves about all of our fears, it becomes easier not to turn a blind eye to injustices and deception. I say it all the time to my spiritual seeker friends: You get to union with Truth through honesty. There is no other way than that.
Honesty = Truth = Union
So do I recommend going to war with the dark forces? No. When you fight dark forces, you are only going to war with yourself and wars are endless battles that keep cycling.
The way to move into more light is not to fight darkness, but expose it. There is a difference.
Be willing to see the darkness out there in the world and do not turn a blind eye to it. Do not keep your head in the sand about it. Be willing to take a deeper look at what is going on. But also do this with yourself and your own intentions and fears. Look deeper into yourself to see how you might be deceiving yourself or others.
Light dissolves darkness through examination, exposure and then understanding. Then the darkness can naturally clear.
Another reason I do not recommend pushing against dark forces is because when you push back on something too much, it can cause that energy to manifest more, especially if you are doing it in an imbalanced manner. For example, let’s say you are aggressively attacking these dark forces because you are so fearful and angry. If you are obsessing about it too much, it can cause an imbalance. It can cause you to ignore things in your life that need attention, like your family or pets even. These kinds of imbalances can create more dark energy, and that is counterproductive. You need to stay balanced and healthy so you can remain grounded.
So it is much more important to expose dark forces than go to war with them.
How do you do that?
If you see a deception that you feel is important for others to know, share it. You do not need to be afraid to do this. This is living in honesty with yourself about doing what you feel is right. For instance, if you find a message that resonates with you or that you think is essential for others to see, don’t be afraid to share it. Dark energy feeds off of fear. So drop fears and instead expose deception when you feel it is the right thing to do. Go with your gut/heart on this.
Recently, some very good spiritual friends sent me some videos they felt in their hearts was important for me to see. Here are a few that resonated with me that I have, since, shared with others:
A Video by Gigi Young Talking About Current Events
Some compelling videos regarding problems with MSM’s message concerning coronavirus:
Years ago I would probably never had shared such things publicly because I was living in too much fear of how I would be judged or attacked for doing so. I was also afraid of being wrong. These days I try to go with my heart and what feels right to me to share with others no matter what fears arise. I am no longer in fear of being wrong anymore. I am not perfect, I am human. I am wrong sometimes. I am okay with that. And you should be too. If more of us said what we honestly thought instead of worrying so much about being judged negatively, the world could be a very different place.
I have found the Universe often rewards us in unfathomable ways when we follow our hearts and do what we feel is right even if we might be wrong. And what is so tragic about being wrong? Sometimes we are wrong. It is not the end of the world. We cannot always be right 100% of the time when it comes to living in duality and attempting to make sense of the chaos within it. We can only do our best from our current vantage point. That is all we can do. So let go of the need to always be right because you are afraid of being judged if you are wrong. It is paralyzing to live in the fear of being wrong and helps to keep darkness and deception firmly in place.
Now for the good stuff on how to best handle stress and fears in these chaotic times.
If you find yourself falling into fears or getting too stressed or freaked out by the things you see and feel as you awaken more, take a break and do something to diffuse. Watch a really funny comedy or take a long hot bath. Call somebody that puts you in a good mood and makes you laugh. Going into nature, playing with animals or children can also help open the heart more so the mind calms down and fears can dissipate. Whatever you love to do, go do it so you can have some fun and relax for a while. Writing in a gratitude journal also helps in times of extreme stress. Find the things you are grateful for and watch your heart open up even more. The more you can help your heart to open more, the more fears will dissolve.
Another way to diffuse is to take a deeper look at your thoughts and emotions. When you sit with your emotions and thoughts you find that grounded space of Awareness that lies outside of thoughts and emotions. This puts you in the witness state. Here you sit with these energies as a silent/neutral witness and they can more easily diffuse. As you sit with heavy emotions, you will notice stories surface in your mind. See what those thoughts/stories are. Be willing to see all the stories that come up no matter what they might be. Know that you are the witness of these things. You are not the thoughts or stories. You do not have to buy into any of them.
You do not need to change the stories or cover them with a “better” story either. You need to see through all stories to get to the infinite light underneath which is that grounded eye of the storm inherently within you already.
Over time the Light of your Awareness will dissolve stories, so they are seen through more deeply. As this occurs, the emotional energy that has been stuck in the emotional body discharges and clears even more. This is how you move closer to union with the nondual Truth, which is also union with God and all that is. This is how you move back into the pure light of what you are before the mind took over and led you temporarily astray.
When you honor your emotions by allowing them to surface, this is also living in honesty and Truth. I wrote a guide with a bit more detail on how to help these energies clear within yourself: https://zeropointshamanism.com/product/guide-to-clearing-stuck-energy/#reviews
Another thing you can do is a simple meditation practice to help ground yourself more into that infinite space of light that you are.
The more you meditate, over time, the more that internal light becomes apparent, and the less you will get pulled into the chaos of the mind that creates so many fears that we live in. I have done many meditation practices over the years. This was one of my favorites:
The Black Hole Meditation
Here’s how to do it:
Draw a circle on a piece of paper and fill it in with black ink. You can trace a quarter or any round coin. You can cut the circle out of the paper and tape it to a wall or take the entire piece of paper and tape it to a wall in front of you. You sit in front of the black circle on the floor or sit in a chair in front of it. It does not matter if you sit on the floor or in a chair. Sit in whichever position is most comfortable for you.
If you have never meditated before, I would start out doing five minutes once or twice a day and then build up from there. Try to do it every day if you can. You can build up to doing it for an hour or even two hours, but I would not do it for longer than that unless you feel compelled to do so. The body needs to take breaks from long periods of sitting so you don’t get unbalanced.
When you are sitting in front of the circle, throw everything that comes up in your mind into that black hole. Envision it as an actual black hole that is sucking up everything you are throwing at it like a vacuum. You can throw emotions in there, thoughts, ideas, concepts, people, events, places, memories, traumas. There is no limit to what you can throw into the black hole. Everything that comes up, just keep tossing it into that hole.
As you toss things into the black hole, you will feel emotional discharges begin to take place. You may sigh, yawn, cry, see strange images, feel blissful or even enraged. You may get muscle twitches or a vast array of other sensations that may even feel foreign to you as energy is discharging from your body. Many complex emotions and sensations may surface through this process. You do not need to judge anything that comes up. Nothing that comes up can hurt you. Just stay as a silent/neutral witness as though you are the eye of a storm. When you go into it with this mindset, what needs to discharge and clear out will be able to more easily.
What is occurring with this process is that you are allowing your mind and emotional body to clear off layers of false conditioned energy (darkness) so that you can get to the bottom of what you truly are, which is pure light.
Stay patient with it. If you start to feel like you are straining too much or too much tension is building up in the body, take a break and go back to it another day. You might have to do it in small doses until you can go back to it again. But stick with it because the more you do it, the more stagnant energies fall away and you will feel better and better as you go along. It will do amazing things for your body and mind over time.
If you do it consistently for a while, you might find that you are naturally doing this black hole meditation in your mind while going about your day. That is wonderful if that starts happening. You might even that find you no longer need to do sitting meditation as much or at all anymore because you can meditate all day long as you go through life. Do what feels best and right for you to do.
For me, the black hole exercise morphed into a teeny tiny light at the end of the tunnel at the back of my mind. The more I did the exercise, the more that tunnel opened up with more light at the end. Then one day, the light consumed the rest of the tunnel.
What occurs with meditation is like how some describe a near-death experience. They often describe it like walking down a tunnel towards a light at the end. With meditation, you are not physically dying, but you are dying a mental death while alive so that you can live in the infinite space from beyond the mind while you are living in this world. You are moving out of the darkness of the mind and into the infinite light of the true Self. When you reach that space, you will see that when compared to the light, death is only a concept. You will know that you are pure awareness itself and always have been. The mind is only a temporary shadow covering this Truth. Sometimes the mind gets lost in its flickering distortions, but even that is temporary. As you work towards seeing through all fears, they will naturally loosen and dissolve away into this light.
Another thing you can do, if you have not already, is begin doing a manifestation practice.
And one of my favorite manifestation practices is to write down my perfect day (without any limitations such as money) like it already happened. This tricks the mind into thinking it is possible and helps that energy flow so something close to it can manifest in the future. I have had all kinds of interesting things manifest doing this. Write down your perfect day using all of your senses. The more detail you can imagine, the better. This creates a more powerful manifestation.
When we each seek Truth along with our heart’s desires, this affects all dimensions. How can that be? Because you are a multidimensional being and you are always co-creating with God/The Universe. You have a hand in creating the reality you see in your environment. So create something more in line with what you want to see by allowing yourself to dream about it in great detail.
Stand in Truth and honesty and you stand in your God-given power. Darkness cannot compete with that.
As you do these practices you will find that eye of the storm within you that is your permanent light that cannot be harmed by anything whatsoever. The more you do these practices, the more you will notice yourself becoming lighter, happier and much less fearful. And because we are all connected through Consciousness, as you change, the entire world changes with you.
To wake up fully you must be willing to wake up to the deceptions in society and deceptions within yourself. It is not one or the other. It is both.
As we all work towards these things, we help bring more light into the world. It is easier to see through darkness and deception as more light enters. As more light enters, darkness naturally falls away.
All I can say is “RIGHT ON”. Thank you!
This is beautiful, supportive and sustaining information! It is a place of refuge that I refer to when I find myself straying from “Peace” in my “Zero of Now”. Thank you for this!
Thank you, Kurly! 🙂
Amy, I commend you for asserting these truths that we must face in order to be responsible for our conscious awareness. Tremendous insights that give us plenty to consider! Thank you for sharing this!!!
Thank you, Katie! That was a tough one to write. 🙂
Amy, I’ve known you for over a year and we’ve grown close. You’re the most positive and HONEST person I’ve ever met. I know it’s not easy to shed light on the darkness that exists but you’re honoring the truth by speaking up and bringing awareness to what IS occurring in this NOW moment. Thank you for your courage, truth, and honesty!!
Thank you, Katie! I appreciate your kindness and support so much and I am proud of all the work you have done!