When you identify with a label, you lock yourself in. When you say, I am this, or I am that you don’t leave room for the fluidity of freedom of pure consciousness: https://zeropointshamanism.com/what-is-consciousness/
You limit yourself to something that you are not at your core.
This is what people who want to stay in the prison of their minds do, not people who want to be free.
This is what mass media does to control people to keep them stuck in false separation. This is part of the spiritual war that is going on in society.
The Satanic mainstream media, which is controlled by very, very dark and evil entities, keeps the human race fighting with one another by design. They prop up ideas of separation so that we will continue not seeing the Truth of what we are.
They keep us separated with ideas of black vs. white, male vs. female, gay vs. heterosexual (and all the endless labels that go along with that), Conservative vs. Liberal, Republican vs. Democrat, etc. The list is forever growing. The more labels they have to get us to cling to, the more they can help us to imprison ourselves within them. They are very successful in keeping us rooted in identifications and, therefore, fighting amongst ourselves with these false labels. When we fight with each other, we do not see who they are and what they are doing to us.
I say false labels even though many of you still identify with them.
When you zoom out of the myopia of this world to what you truly are, the labels make no sense whatsoever. You are not them. You have never been them. They are only temporary coverings you have identified with in this life.
As Ram Dass so wonderfully said, “We are all God in drag.”
We only pretend to be these labels. Just like children pretend to be different things for fun. But even parents take this too far and begin taking their play seriously. It can all be very detrimental to everyone. It keeps us stuck in false separation when what you are is pure Consciousness with no restrictions, labels, or identifications whatsoever.
It is only the mind that creates restrictions.
You have the freedom to pretend labels are you.
You have the freedom to let them go and see them for what they are.
Which will you choose?
Who or what will you “identify” with? Or will you allow the identifications to fall like armor to the ground to allow your true being, which is not locked into anything, to flow freely?
The choice has always been yours.
Will you allow others to manipulate you into playing pretend so you can continue fighting with others wearing different labels? It only keeps you bound and controlled by evil forces who are so caught up in the dark false separation that they cannot see their way out. Are you like them?
If you are going to play pretend, be aware you are doing it and enjoy it for what it is. But don’t take it seriously.
Subscribing to and staying stuck in any label is not the full Light of Truth and God, which has no labels whatsoever and is pure freedom. And to go into that pure freedom of Union with God, you must see through them all.
Those in control are afraid you will realize this. If you realize this, you are no longer able to be controlled.
If you realize this fully, your mind loosens, and more Light/God can filter in until the full implosion into God occurs, and you are fully Awake.
And if you are here because you identify with the label “twin flame,” attempt to see past that label too. All labels cause bondage. You might be going through the “twin flame experience,” but it is just an experience and not what you are at your core being, which is limitless and free of all labels and mental constructs. So view it as just an experience while you are here, and don’t root yourself so deeply in the label (or any label) that it keeps you from feeling your limitless nature.
It’s funny how the human mind so often chooses prison over freedom. And it never has to be that way. Freedom has always been here. It is only the mind and all its limited thinking that blocks it.
Glad to see you are going strong.
Hi Amy,
I have a question for you. When one is trying to realize their true essence (pure awareness, non duality etc) why do you think it is much easier to access this realization through the body. For example being aware of a bird, or your leg or arm vs bringing attention to awareness inside of the body. I find that when I bring attention to the awareness within my body, I immediately am aware that I am not the body or mind. It becomes deeper and deeper as I continue to do so. But when I stop, it all drops and I am back to being identified with the body and mind. I deeply desire going within and staying there. A year ago I did. And my awareness expanded beyond my body and mind, but this expansion collapsed as my mind was not finished dissolving. I have dissolved much of the mind for the past 5 years. Now, I feel the ‘desire’ to go within again. Is this wrong? Should I not ‘try’ and instead let something naturally unfold? What are your thoughts on this? Thank you.
Hi Regan,
I think this is because when we are not focused on the body, we believe we are more externalized. Even though in reality, once the mind fully dissolves, it is seen that it is all the same, and there is no inside or outside. But it takes time for the mind to fully dissolve into this. When focusing on the body, we are usually much quieter and can drill down into the bodily sensations/emotions and really feel what we are feeling on a much deeper level. For instance, when focused on for a long time, so many bodily sensations become almost effervescent in their quality. And you begin to realize that those energy bubbles are simply energy passing through the form. You are what is aware of (behind) all of that energy. You find the stillness beneath those sensations.
I have experienced what you have when lying down and focusing on the sensations of the body. But I also had the experience of being the sky while watching a bird pass through and finally knowing that I am both. But you hit a point where you feel to be more the sky than the bird. At least in my experience. Later, it is seen you are both, and there is no separation.
Insights such as these will hit people differently, and there is no right or wrong way or right or wrong sequence to them. And as for your desire to go within, this is not wrong either. In fact, it is quite natural to feel that pull within, and a great sign you are going deeper. Going deeper within is what makes you feel the more expansive states. I say keep doing that for a while and see what happens. You have to “try” a little bit to help things unfold. But if you start trying too hard, things can get blocked. So just be easy with your trying, if that makes sense. Try a little, but no need to force things. If it gets frustrating or you start feeling too much tension, that is a good time to take a break and go do something else for a while. You can come back to it later when you feel less tense.
I found that listening to music while walking was very helpful. And there was a mantra that I would use that would help me to expand. It was OMTHATIAM. To me, it meant that I am this or that, that I am seeing or feeling. So for instance, if I am looking at a dog or a building, OMTHATIAM, means that I am looking at myself in those objects. It helps break down the divisions between you and everything else. Or in hearing the music, you feel yourself becoming the music. It can get very entertaining doing that practice. So try that one and see if you begin to feel the expansion. I hope this helps. 😊
Thank you for responding! My email didn’t notify me and I had a dream about your name the other night and decided to pop back in. Defininitely weird. I understand exactly what you are saying. So much has happened since I last asked this question. I hope you don’t mind me asking another? I have reached a point where awareness is naturally ‘closing in’ on itself is the best way to describe it. But a huge block is coming up. Infinite possibilities of infinite dimensions and universes, and one of these possibilities being an eternal place of suffering (hell.) I was raised religious and have religious trauma and I can clearly see that this is where this fear is stemming from. But if there is a possibility in an infinite number of possibilities (any things and all things can arise from nothingness) of an eternal place of suffering, I am feeling stuck. Even more so, the possibility that we can even manifest an eternal hell in our realities right here right now if we believed it into existence is another possibility I imagine. I am imagining a realm where we can never realize our true nature (once we enter the realm) are eternally tortured forever, and there is absolutely no escaping that realm. Then, I thought to myself, it is equally just as possible for the existence of such realm to be impossible as well. And or, equally possible for a realm to exist that is made simple for destroying the realm of eternal suffering. But then again, it is possible for the realm of eternal suffering to not allow anything to destroy it. Its all so paradoxical and my mind is about to explode. But all of these are equal possibilities. & to end it all I think to myself no matter what it’s possible that after this life or in any life, we could enter that realm. & it could even be possible that we get to live a few lives and then enter the eternal hell. I’m sorry for going on and on lol. It’s funny because I have read some of your posts and I am like OMG Amy and I are so much alike in how deeply we analyze things. Have you ever struggled with this fear? Is there a way out of this fear? Thank you so much.
Hi Regan,
Glad you came back and checked. We are having a hard time getting around the censorship even though it is our website. We are still being censored due to our content and the response emails are not making it through. Some of our comments are even censored. Crazy, I know. I will try to respond to your email in case this does not go through.
You are going through what I see is the classic end of the ego or the ego seeing through itself. It will conjure up the most insane and horrifying stories to attempt to scare itself to stop looking for Truth. Just know all stories are false. When propped up against the pure light of God, nothing and I mean nothing, can harm you. This is just the mind going off the rails and a part of the waking up process.
You are not the mind. You are that which is watching the mind. So how can the stories even be true? They are just stories. Try to see them as that. And just because the mind thinks or believes certain stories does not mean they manifest or come true or that focusing on them will cause them to manifest. It is just the mind purging itself of eons and probably lifetimes of fears. All bullshit, essentially.
The mind/ego lies constantly and casts shadows to keep you from seeing the full Truth. So just laugh at the stories. See them for what they are. Just limited stories. They have nothing to do with Truth or the real you and nothing to do with reality or God. And, yes, I struggled with this fear for a little bit on the journey, too. The mind will go through every scenario it can to try and keep you from the Truth, which has nothing to do with any story or limitation whatsoever. Truth/God is pure silence and stillness. It is what allows the stories to be perceived. It is the space behind the stories. Everything else is just a shadow overlaying that infinite space.
Try to see that these are just stories and Truth can never be boxed into any story or any limitation whatsoever. How could Truth be limited? It would not be Truth if it were. So when the mind goes off the rails like this, try to do something fun for a while or something relaxing. It is a great sign that you are passing through this phase. All is happening as it should for you to finally remember the full Truth. Focus on the space behind all words.
Iam glad you wrote about this. I have been thinking a lot about labels the last couple of years. I really don’t understand them. For me my label is Human in this lifetime. I feel like these labels have gotten out of control and I couldn’t agree with you more. Labels have been around for a long time they do define, but i feel like in most recent years, the #hashtag system on social media created a desire to start labeling everything so people could find what they were looking for or “identify’ with others, but it has backfired on humanity’s consciousness. I have been observing all these “She, Her, He, Him, Them” labels too because you’re right, for the person they think they are claiming a label so others around them will understand them more I get that because I know their struggle is complicated and it is a way for them to feel a part of a group in this life, but it is also a separation from others just like religious labels create. I agree in the long run it is just a prison that hopefully one can find themselves out of eventually, but maybe that doesn’t happen until Human death for most. Thank you for blog posts that make me go deeper and open my mind to the big picture. Thank you Ram Dass! We are all just God in Drag!
Yep, it has all gotten way out of hand. I think a lot of people are sick to death of it all. Glad you enjoyed the post. It was a long time coming! 🙂