Person arms out Sunshine Bath


I did not think I would be back so soon after the last blog article I wrote.  But I got a wild hair after Jim, and I watched the documentary Desperately Seeking Soulmate – Escaping Twin Flames Universe on Amazon.  We were shocked by what we saw, and I wanted to comment on it.  Here is the link to the film if you haven’t seen it:

I highly recommend watching it, so what I am about to say makes more sense.

I thought the documentary maker did a fantastic job. It was exceptionally well done.

First, I want to share a bit of my personal history with the subject of the film, The Twin Flame Universe website and its owners, Jeff and Shaleia.  I had contact with Jeff several years ago while going through the extreme confusion of the twin flame experience.  At the time, I was navigating the insane twin flame experience with a catalyst twin.  This was long before I met and finally entered a true twin flame union with Jim.  (I wrote about my catalyst twin experience on Quora before Quora censored me, and I stopped writing there.)

Before I get into our opinion of the documentary, I want to tell you about my short interaction with Jeff from Twin Flame Universe.  When I was going through the turmoil of the catalyst twin and was just introduced to the idea of twin flames, I was trying to get all the answers I could to make sense of what was happening.  I was frantic at the time, highly emotional and freaked out.  I came across Jeff and Shaleia’s site and saw that Jeff was charging $15 to ask one question regarding your twin flame.  I think it was after a couple of glasses of wine and my desperation that I paid the $15 to ask Jeff if the person I thought was my twin at the time was my twin or not.  Their site claimed they could tell you this.  In the back of my mind, I felt kind of stupid/silly for doing it, but I did it anyway out of curiosity and desperation.  I was becoming convinced that my catalyst twin was my twin flame.  At the time, I had no reason to think otherwise.  I was going through the wild energetic connection, the incredible synchronicities, and the mutual and verifiable telepathy that so many of us twins experience.  So, I got on The Twin Flame Universe site and purchased the $15 one question to ask them. It makes me laugh now.  But I asked if he, my later discovered catalyst twin, was my twin flame.   All I got back in response was an abrupt “No.” from Jeff.  And then something about how I needed to “Stop projecting!”  When I got the response, I was shocked. I felt intensely shameful and stupid for even asking.  I thought, God, I am an idiot.  I had to laugh. It suddenly hit me how silly I was for even asking about something so important as that through some random website.  Jeff’s rude reply felt like a gut punch then, but at the same time, I knew what my heart was telling me. It was so glaringly obvious. So, I had to keep going with what I felt to be true at the time instead.  So, I disregarded what Jeff said and never thought much about them again.  So much happened between that time and when I FINALLY met Jim and became fully convinced the other guy was a catalyst before I was fully ready for God to bring Jim into my life.  So that is the background of my personal experience with “Twin Flame Universe.”

Back to the documentary about them.  Jim and I watched the film together the other night. Although Jeff was correct in his initial 50/50 chance assessment all those years ago (that my catalyst was not my twin), we were both disgusted by what we saw from that film and how Jeff and Shaleia are confusing so many people and doing it in such a manipulative way.  We feel they are taking horrible advantage of so many confused and desperate people for money. It is very sad to see.  But ALSO not without a much higher purpose, which I will get to.

First, they claim they can tell you who your twin is or isn’t.  Both Jim and I firmly believe that no one can tell you who your twin flame is.  That is something you will know when the time is right.  And you will know it with your entire being without question.  If you have a catalyst twin, they are only there for you to pass through some things/lessons before you meet your true twin and are finally ready to go into union with them.  This opinion is, of course, based on my own experience.

Second, the idea they push that it is a good idea to “stalk” your twin until they come around is bizarre and foolish. It goes without explaining, I would think, but disrespecting someone’s boundaries, even someone you believe to be your twin flame, is just a terrible idea all around.  And it could lead to horrific consequences.  I would think this would be common sense, but apparently, it isn’t for some.  I get why people follow this advice, though.  The overwhelming energetic connection some of us have when we go through the twin flame experience can make us temporarily lose our rationality.

Third, the mirroring exercise they have their students do, which appears to be a way for the ego to shame the ego, will not lead students to the final Truth.  It might help in some ways initially to see a bit deeper into the mind, but shaming is not helpful and, in my opinion, will only confuse the student and help keep them stuck.   Why?

Because there is no need to shame the ego to arrive at Truth.

Yes, the ego needs to see the ego.  Yes, the mind needs to see the mind to dissolve/digest the mind to arrive at Truth.  But shaming is not needed and will only cause further confusion. There is a much simpler way to do this through your own neutral awareness state that you already have built in. This is why meditation is so valuable.  It allows you to step outside of the ego and see what the ego/mind is up to.  If there is talking coming in, it is just another facet of the ego, which might be shaming itself, arguing with itself, etc.  Neutral awareness does not speak. It is only a silent witness.  In that neutral state, the ego can see itself clearly, and then that silent witness, which is also your direct line to God, naturally cleanses what is false, which is the conditioned ego.

Pure light (neutral awareness) cleanses the dark (the mind and all its mental gymnastics).

The spiritual path is simple but extremely difficult for most.  The simplest things are often the most difficult to perceive AT FIRST.

The reason why is because the mind is so complex and so tricky.  It loves to create endless drama and entanglements.

Truth is simple.

God is simple.

The mind will screw up seeing the final Truth every chance it gets because it has been conditioned to analyze everything to death and make things more complex than need be.  Only when it tires of all of this will God/Truth begin to make an appearance.

No story the mind creates is necessary to arrive at Truth/God.  It is not about “thinking” your way there.   It is about going backward into unlearning what you have already accumulated and are holding onto.

Truth has nothing to do with intellectual or learned knowledge. 

It is stopping thinking that allows it to bubble up.  But since stopping thinking is impossible, you simply watch the thinking/the mind instead. You become the watcher.  And stay neutral in the watching of it.  There is no need to judge what is coming up.  Only the desire to see through the mind play is what is needed.

The ego shaming the ego (as in The Twin Flames Universe mirror exercise) creates an endless loop that one cannot escape.  And it is why you see their students struggling with that exercise in the documentary.  Their students would be much better off doing a simple meditation practice on their own.  There is no need to pay people a bunch of money to be able to see through your own mind to arrive at truths and ultimately the final Truth/God.

Do I think Twin Flame Universe and its coaching program could be helpful for some people?  Sure.  In the beginning, it certainly could.  For instance, someone who has never really looked deeply at their own thoughts and found the source of their emotions could certainly benefit INITIALLY.  And this is why many people will feel the program helped them greatly.  It probably has.  But as I said before, it will not move someone to the ultimate Truth, which is seeing through ALL the mind play and back to Source/God where there is no mental movement.

God is pure Stillness.  God is prior to mind.

The mind only overlays that infinite space and hides it from view. And I strongly feel that moving closer to Truth/God is what naturally pulls twin flames into union.

God = Truth = Union

The way I look at Twin Flames Universe and so many other teachers/coaches is that most are still caught up in their own mental entanglements.  So, it becomes like the blind leading the blind when they are trying to teach/coach others.  Another example could be Scientology. In researching it years ago, I found that Scientology had some good initial practices to get people to see through their own drama/attachments/conditioning, etc., to help push one to arrive at a clearer mental/emotional state.  I believe this is why they have been so successful.  But their teachings won’t take one to the ultimate Truth, which is God and you in Union with God, which is total freedom.  And like Twin Flame Universe, they are known for coercion and manipulation.

It is not necessarily always the teacher’s fault, though.  Many of them think they are doing good.  But they are still caught up in mental entanglements, so they cannot truly help someone see through their mind to the end of the line, which is the full Truth and God.  They, too, are still confused on some level/s.  They may have had some incredible insights, but their minds have not imploded into God fully.  If it is not fully, then it is not enough to be able to stay rooted there and come back and speak about it.  Once that complete implosion happens, the mind still exists.  It is just seen through. You still move through life and appear completely normal.  You will still have all the emotions that a human being that goes through life has.  You may even feel emotions much more intensely.  But now you are free from those emotions and mind play.  You can even hang onto them.  The difference is you see through them now.  They no longer trap you.  You are free regardless of if you hold onto them or let go of them.  If you hang onto them or not, it doesn’t matter.  You can choose to hold on or let go.  Whatever you want to do.  You are forever free from being bound by them.  You are back at Home and One with God again.  You see that the mind was only temporarily covering the infinite space of God.  The mind is a veil, an illusion.

So, if you are involved with a teacher who is helping you see through your mental and emotional blockages, keep in mind that you do not need to believe everything they say or do everything they recommend.  They are not any better or higher than you. No one is.  If your gut tells you something feels off, it is. For you.  You do not have to do anything or be coerced into anything just because someone you think is wiser or has more insight than you is telling you to do so.  Their insights might be new to you, and you might see things more clearly because of them.  But insights are not the final Truth.

The ultimate Truth is always within YOU. 

The fastest way to navigate this, in my experience, is to follow your heart to get there while simultaneously attempting to see through the mind.  This takes time.  Maybe even lifetimes for some. 

It is a delicate balance that slowly sloughs off what is false/conditioned/impermanent so you can experience and finally live in what is true/real/permanent.

When you are going through this process, it can be like walking a tightrope between two worlds.  So try to be patient with it.  If anything becomes too confusing, then I recommend doing this.  This helped me so much.  I would imagine all my confusion being mixed up words on paper.  I would envision taking that paper, scrunching it up in a ball, throwing it out to the Universe/God, and asking It to take it from me. Just throw it out there.  You don’t need it.  Give it away.  Then it is gone, and you will return to that Still/Silent/God space again.  That is what you are searching for.  Not theories, not the ego shaming the ego, not endless mental contortions, and noise in your head.  You can let all of that go.  You don’t need any of it to find God.

Allowing others to direct your life when you know something does not feel right is not the way to go.  I would move along from them.  You can stand on your own.  You have always been equipped to do this.  Truth is built into the very core of your being. You do not need anyone but yourself and your NEUTRAL awareness to help you go back Home to God.  Truth/God never left you.  You could not get away from It even if you tried.  Only the mind believes that and tricks itself into believing it over and over again. The mind is not the real you.  It is only the temporary false/conditioned part.

You are not the mind.  You are what is aware of the mind.  You are infinite. 

YOU are more powerful than you know.  One day, if the mind and emotions are seen through enough, that infinite light will stream through every fiber of your being when you least expect it, and you will know it again without any doubts that you and God are the same.  After that, the mind becomes a silly thing.  A buzzing bee.  Nothing.  It is just a tool to help you navigate this world in a seemingly separate body.  That is all.

What Jeff and Shaleia are doing with Twin Flames Universe is fascinating, even if we feel they are taking advantage of so many. In the broader scheme of things, they are doing a more significant spiritual service than they are probably aware of. 

God has a wicked sense of humor, especially regarding spiritual awakening.

Their followers who get that gut feeling that something isn’t right can learn a precious lesson from that experience.  And that is to trust their instincts/guts/hearts and move along to what feels better if they are having a mental or emotional conflict about it all.  They can learn that instead of externalizing their power and allowing others to control, manipulate, or coerce them, they can become more rooted in their own innate power.  We all need those types of teachers to help us learn this lesson.  I had some similar teachers along the way, and I still value them because they helped me move forward and ultimately helped me go into twin flame union.  I will be forever grateful to them for that.