I have mentioned the idea of willful blindness in the past and how important it is to face our own darkness and not be afraid to see it. However, it is just as important to face outer darkness or societal/world darkness too.  Because when you do not face it, it just grows and grows.

And in our current world, darkness has grown to monstrous proportions, partly because humanity refuses to face it or is unwilling to look at what needs to be seen. 

How can you find the light of Truth if you are unwilling to see the darkness that covers over it? 

You cannot. 

Do not be afraid to look at darkness.  When you look, something can be done about it.  Nothing can be done about it if you refuse to see it.  And you cannot move out of darkness if you do not do anything about it.

Truth seekers that value Truth above all else are not afraid of the dark.  They do not shun it.  They face it head-on.  They do not pretend it is not there or gloss it over in false light: How The False Light of The Spiritual Ego Keeps The Masses Asleep

Pretending something does not exist does not make it go away. 

It simply grows in the shadows, so when you finally come face to face with it, it is much larger and more difficult to deal with then if you had not ignored it in the first place.

This is what we are dealing with now.  We are dealing with humanity’s refusal to see the darkness that has been there for a very long time.  But there are people all over the world trying to expose it: For Those With Eyes to See

We are in the middle of one of the darkest periods of humanity as some of the deepest evil is being exposed.  We are now in a worldwide genocide with these so-called Covid “vaccines.” But, unfortunately, most of the public STILL chooses to remain asleep to it. If they do finally wake up, for many, it will be far too late. 

 As a whole, humanity will come out on the other side of this mass awakening far better off.  It will be a much better world we enter into.  But in order for that to happen the world has to be willing to face what has been going on. 

Many of us have been awake for quite some time.  Now it just feels as though we are waiting, which seems like an eternity, for the others to wake up.

Millions have already died or have been injured from the Covid vaccines.  These injections are not vaccines, but bioweapons meant to reduce the population and weaken it so a tyrannical global government (NWO) can take over.  You cannot take over a large group of people and enslave them without depopulating and weakening them in vast numbers first as well as helping destabilize society by causing things to happen that create chaos.  For instance, defunding the police, allowing wide open borders, enforcing mandates that cause people to lose their jobs, endless money printing, all things helping to create an economical collapse.

NWO motto = Order Out of Chaos 

 And now they want to start injecting children with these bioweapons: https://vaccineimpact.com/2021/fda-committee-rubber-stamps-pfizers-plan-to-inject-28-million-children-5-to-11-years-old/

 This evil all makes sense when you understand that adrenochrome-addicted pedophile Satanists run everything, including the NWO and the CCP and many pharmaceutical companies and large corporations. And don’t forget the complicit MSM (mainstream media) that pushes it all on the naive public.  

 The last few days of October are the biggest Satanic holidays where killing children has been par for the course for decades. Thousands of children go missing worldwide on Satanic holidays. Many are taken for not only sex trafficking but for adrenochrome (the highly coveted drug of Satanic Hollywood celebrities and political and corporate elites). But now they want to kill a large number of children with these Covid bioweapons. This is about depopulation and Satanic ritual, and it is insane. But those in control are insane, and they are so evil that most could not begin to imagine the depths of how evil they are.  But you do not need to understand those depths to see what is going on clearly.

 What is also insane are parents that will allow their children to be injected with an experimental shot for a virus that has a 99.8% (at least) recovery rate for children.  It is not only insane, it is beyond stupid.

 There will be many parents in the coming years that will have to face what they have done to their children. Unfortunately, in their willful blindness, these parents may cause the death or a lifetime injury to their child or possibly, at very least, sterility.

 It has become clear that the world will only finally begin to wake up fully to what has been going on when MSM is shut down for crimes against humanity.  I pray it happens soon.

 A vast majority of people base their reality on what the TV programs them to think. If you want to understand better how that works the documentary Out of Shadows is a great one to start: https://www.bitchute.com/video/sDM3QoTTml25/

We are long overdue for mass executions for crimes against humanity (horrific crimes against children especially) and treason.  So many evils have been cast upon the sleeping and gullible masses for decades.

 When you consider 911, all the false flag psyops and crisis actors, the money that has been stolen from the public to build vast networks of DUMBs, adrenochrome, Pizzagate, child sex trafficking, all the stolen elections, the Covid global PLANdemic and bioweapon “vaccines,” corrupt and complicit MSM and so many others violating the Nuremberg Codes, etc., it is likely thousands of people will qualify for executions for crimes against humanity.  We are very close to a breaking point because a large majority are now awake to all of it.

 Here is a recent video of a nurse who talks about what she is seeing as far as Covid vaccine injuries in children: https://rumble.com/vo9uwd-pediatric-healthcare-whistleblower-horrific-reality-we-all-expected.html

 There are thousands of others like her being censored by MSM and big tech. THOUSANDS.

 Do you ever think to ask yourself why so many healthcare workers are losing their jobs because they do not want to take these vaccines?

 For instance, 8000 Mayo Clinic workers are set to lose their jobs over their refusal to get injected: https://vaccineimpact.com/2021/the-destruction-of-u-s-medical-care-mayo-clinic-to-lose-8000-employees-who-refuse-the-covid-19-shot/

 Why do you think so many healthcare workers are willing to lose their jobs and livelihoods rather than take one of these vaccines?

 Could it be because they are the ones that actually see the vaccine injuries firsthand, and they have done their research outside of NWO/CCP controlled MSM and big tech?

 I often sit awake at night wondering how people can be so dumb and so blind. My level of disgust for the willfully ignorant human race is beyond anything I could have ever imagined.  

 I often wonder if it is the fluoride in the water supply. I have only had fluoride-free water for many years. Maybe that is why the public is so dumbed down and cannot see what is going on. Or maybe it is something else.  Something we will only understand in years to come.

 But I do know one thing for sure:

 Willful blindness is evil because it has allowed evil to grow to the monstrous proportions it has.

 We all have to be willing to face what is in front of us.  Only then can those be held accountable, and the world can be cleaned up of the evil.

 Then, and only then, can we move into a better world.

 Pretending the evil isn’t happening is not going to make it go away.

 Please do your own research outside of MSM and big tech.  Use the DuckDuckGo browser to research instead of Google as Google censors a large amount of truthful information.

***Update 3/17/22: DuckDuckGo is now censoring as well.


Some related links:





The Plandemic Documentary: https://freedomplatform.tv/plandemic-indoctornation-world-premiere/

The Stew Peters Show: https://rumble.com/c/StewPeters

Vaccine Adverse Reaction Compilations Part 1:


Part 2:


The dangers of mask-wearing: https://www.bitchute.com/video/jXzVIIsHZJpq/

 A variety of great truther links:

The Mel K. Show: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Iw2kiviwZpwx/

The Highwire with Del Bigtree: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/okiFK5CwQrZS/

The SGT Report: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nLPcg68RnP97/

And We Know: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/1uDxpDogKMs9/

Dilara Esengil Blog: https://dilaraesengil.blog/2021/09/08/welcome-newbies-to-the-great-awakening-all-you-need-to-start-your-journey-to-truth/

Amazing Polly: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ZofFQQoDoqYT/