I have been out of touch for quite some time for several reasons and wanted to post an article and update.
The Covid PLANdemic, yes, PLANNED, through us for a loop. A big one. It has been a significant disruptor in all of our lives and caused incredible stress by design. It has been a major disruption in our life in particular because it has led us down more profound and darker rabbit holes than ever before. I have touched on my past in other posts regarding research into false flags, psyops, and other orchestrated illusions or half illusions pushed by Satanic NWO-controlled mainstream media (MSM). It has been a lifelong journey uncovering all of the corruption and lies. I have spent over 20 years researching it. Due to the Plandemic that has been orchestrated for Satanic purposes, we have uncovered much more. We have been working with others in the background who are attempting to expose the evil forces behind it. All of this brings us to possibly why we are twins, twins in union even, and here at this time and place to help people spiritually and politically awaken to the spells mass media has cast on them to keep them asleep. It appears to all fit together in this mysterious puzzle that has become our life.
I felt that this research into the hidden darkness was most critical due to the children that were/are suffering. Thousands, if not millions, of children have suffered under the hands of so many. What has been truly going on underground makes the Holocaust look like a tea party. MSM has been covering up horrific crimes against children. The children are the ones that have suffered the most, and their suffering has been kept well hidden, often underground in the vast tunnels that the majority of the public is unaware of yet. There is a reason it is said that Hell is underground. The truth about this and so many other things will hopefully be further exposed worldwide soon. It is time for a worldwide wake up call like no other. Right now, you can only find the information if you take the time do the research and turn away from the poison of MSM. Much of the information has been censored. Those that are being censored are finding other ways to get the information out, and their voices are getting louder and louder. The information is there, but only if one is willing to look for it.
Most do not do any research at all but only consume the lies that fake Satanic NWO media spoon-feeds them. This is what the majority of the public is used to doing out of sheer habit and laziness. This results in willful blindness which is evil.
Willful blindness = evil because it helps evil flourish.
I am not going to go into detail about the research I have uncovered because it is far too much information to go into here. People must take responsibility to do their own research. People must look into how they may have been willfully blind themselves.
Seeing our blindness is how we escape our own darkness and uncover the infinite light underneath. It is all tied together, and it is all linked to spiritual awakening.
I have bounced in and out of politics my entire life. I hate politics. I see through the false Left vs. Right paradigm. At times I have been so immersed in research that I would barely take a shower, go outside or leave my desk for weeks digging into all the true/very real conspiracies. I was astonished at the evil that so many politicians and media heads were involved in. And I was even more shocked that so few around me, handed the information, had absolutely no desire to find out what was truly going on. It has been incredibly disheartening that so many choose to remain blind because it makes their lives easier, while so many people, innocent children mostly, suffer so much. I feel those that are remaining willfully blind are partly to blame for the suffering of others. Through their willful blindness, they are complicit. The level of disgust I have felt over this has been immeasurable. At times I have felt that I have lost faith in humanity altogether.
If words could describe 2020 for me, it would be disbelief and disgust.
I have hesitated to write because of my level of rage and disgust for what I am seeing. I had no idea the world could be so blind, dumb and lazy.
It goes much deeper than this. But one example is when you have hospitals requiring women in labor to wear masks, and newborn babies having masks places over their tiny mouths moments after they are born, and people suffocating their own children with masks because the mockingbird media script readers tells them to do so, you know that the Satanists that have gained control are winning.
Evil has taken over this world, and the majority are entirely lost in blind illusion and buying into sadistic MSM lies daily. They are so lost that they are participating in their own destruction and enslavement. And many of those involved, especially those working for MSM need to be held accountable for crimes against humanity.
Few do research. So few. And the world suffers as a whole for it. We all suffer due to other’s stupidity and ignorance. And the evil ones count on that. It is Idiocracy. I recommend the film if you have not seen it. It is where we are today.
There are countless examples everyday of how blind the public is. And one of the main reasons is that they are too lazy to do any research. We have become complacent. There is laziness, complacency, apathy, which all leads to willful blindness which translates into evil growing to monstrous proportions like it has.
There is another reason people remain blind, and I will get to that in a minute.
I was excited that Trump got in during his first term because it was revealed that along with going after extreme governmental corruption that he also had a secret mission to go after the child sex traffickers and elite pedophile rings, such as those involved in Pizzagate and adrenochrome harvesting. I saw that Trump was going after all the corrupt politicians involved in so many crimes against humanity and children. He was going after the people involved in those same crimes I had spent so many years researching. I am blown away that a president has taken this on and done such an incredible job so far. I am amazed that someone has been able to infiltrate the demons by spending years socializing with them and learning about what they have been doing in order to take them down and chop the head off the snake at the Vatican.
Knowing what these people have done to children for decades while the public sleeps through it has left me more than horrified. I have had many, many sleepless nights. Thank GOD for those that have NOT been willing to keep their head in the sand about it all. I was glad we finally had a president that was going to go after these monsters. But I was not hearing much about what was happening with the children that were being saved unless I dug deep, and I had to let go of delving deeper into Pizzagate because it hurt my heart too much when I felt I was not entirely sure anything was being done. Little did I know that so much was being kept hidden to be able to take more of them down. Little did I know how many things WERE being done behind the scenes. All the while, mass media, who are all heavily involved in child sex trafficking, spit venom and lies out to the public to demonize and derail Trump. MSM successfully conditioned the public to hate him when they are the true demons. The Plandemic was orchestrated by the same breed of demons that have been doing horrific things to children, often via CPS and other seemingly benevolent organizations, like the Clinton Foundation.
The Plandemic research led me to revisit Pizzagate and go deep into it again. It is crushing when you see so much evidence of our politicians, celebrities, famous musicians, well-known MSM script readers, and so many more who the public puts their trust in clearly involved in the Satanic torture/ritual abuse of children and so many other diabolical things. These evils have grown to their epic level because those who commit these crimes count on no one believing they could be true or believing these nice actors and actresses could be involved. They even make jokes out of it in movies and films and do parodies about it. They know how blind, dumbed down and lazy the public is. But these things are real, and they are happening. And the world needs a wake-up call like a brick to the head.
Thousands are involved in the child sex trafficking and Satanic adrenochrome trade. And when you find out how deep that swamp truly is, as Trump would say, it can keep you wide awake for days in shock and disbelief. It is why they hate Trump so much. He is going after them. Someone has to. The public would prefer to remain asleep while horrors go on right under their blind, complacent noses.
There has been mass censorship of these horrible truths through Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and all MSM channels. All of big tech is involved and complicit in these crimes. Many of the heads of the largest corporations have participated in the Satanic ritual abuse of children. Many of them are Bilderbergers and have worked together to try and reduce the population through soft kill methods that the public is still asleep to. All of the mainstream media outlets worldwide have been controlled by the NWO and have been censoring whistleblowers and covering for these demons for years. But to see the blatant censorship through the major social media channels starting on Oct. 17th2020 I was shocked. Most were not paying attention to what happened that day. When I saw 75% of the channels I watch on Youtube suddenly taken down by Youtube, I knew things were not looking good for those trying to get the truth out about the Satanists trying to take over this world. Yes, we are moving into a Chinese-like Communist (Satanic) dictatorship where voices of truth are completely blacked out. If it gets any worse, many more of those of us speaking truths will be killed, just like so many have already. And yet, the public still sleeps and still watches Satanic MSM and laughs along with the parodies. It is UNREAL. The public has been demoralized and dumbed down by design. It is a brilliant Satanic plan, and it has worked incredibly well. They have infiltrated everything.
It is mind-blowing to see how sophisticated darkness is and how when people are blind, it just takes over and suffocates everything until you have people literally walking around willingly suffocating themselves because they have submitted to their own demise due to being brainwashed by the mainstream media. And you can bet the Satanists are loving all of it seeing how everyone is bending over to it.
So few do any research at all. I never in my life would have dreamed the world could be so blind. Never in my life could I have believed the world could be so stupid and on such a mass scale. For me, this has led to extreme disgust, exhaustion, and burnout. Many times I have felt why bother; the world is so willfully blind and asleep. Maybe they deserve what they get. It has taken its toll on me for sure and robbed me of a lot of motivation to help anyone at all. I have been studying this for over 20 years, and the world has only appeared to go into a deeper slumber with each new psyop or false flag. Now this global Satanic Plandemic psyop has revealed just how many are asleep, and it is far too many. And the saddest thing for me has been that many of those closest to me are some of the blindest ones, yet I have given them ample information to help wake them over the years. For some reason, they still do not wake up. Instead they continue to poison themselves and fall asleep within MSM everyday. You cannot get well if you do not remove the poison that is afflicting you. And most are addicted to their poison out of laziness even when it is pointed out to them that it is killing them. They will still ignore you. And most of us have been guilty of it at some time or another, myself included.
On a positive note, many like me can see the truth of what is going on and are just as disgusted and horrified. They, too, are working behind the scenes to expose the darkness. Many reading this right now totally get it. I have talked to many of you about it. You know who you are, and I thank you immensely for taking the time to do your research and open your eyes to all of what is going on and trying to help wake others up too.
There is another facet to this blindness. Many cannot see what is going on because they are still trapped within too much of their own darkness.
When you go within and see where your darkness is, the lights begin to come on in your mind to burn out your deeply held illusions. Through this process, you begin to see much clearer. When you understand your fears, it is much easier to see where darkness is coming from in the world. If you cannot see it in yourself, you will not see it as easily out there.
When you are blind to yourself, you are blind to the world around you. Only when the light comes on can you see.
When you are asleep, you live in darkness.
When you strive to understand yourself and all the stories you carry that bind you, you begin to wake up. You begin to experience light and freedom again.
When you are awake and stand in light, you cannot easily be deceived, not by yourself or anyone else. This is what being awake is.
In the last few years, we have worked with many twins and spiritual seekers. While we were trying to take breaks from it all, many people have emailed and asked for help, some very desperate, so we kept going on to help when we could. It has been exhausting. At times it has been elating and heart-melting. It brings us incredible joy to see their epiphanies, insights, and intense breakthroughs. I love watching people see through the mental illusions that have kept them bound for so long. But mostly, it has been exhausting because I have stretched myself far too thin and have not been taking care of myself as much as I should, and my health has suffered.
So, in attempting to expose the truth of the Plandemic, the child sex trafficking/adrenochrome/Pizzagate reality in the background, while working with spiritual seekers, I have drained myself dry. So we are taking a long break. We may pop in from time to time to write articles. Jim has several article ideas on shamanism he wants to put out at some point when he is not stretched thin either. Overall, I have no idea what the future holds for us or this site. The future is always a mystery.
I am sorry to those of you that might have emailed that we have not been able to help. I always have faith that if we cannot get to you, there is a reason. I trust the Universe in that. I know everyone will be fine regardless of our help or not. In reality, you don’t need us. All you truly need is yourself. Your internal guidance compass is already built-in. When you begin to look within, its power grows stronger, and it becomes easier for you to navigate the world with it.
Unfortunately, we have received too many emails to respond to everyone. It is nice that what is being said here resonates with so many. But we are too overwhelmed right now with too many things to be of much help. Because of that, I have toyed with the idea of not doing any personal counseling but only writing and posting writings. We have taken down the “Ask Amy” section of the site for now. Personal counseling is very draining and takes up a tremendous amount of time. Writing only might be the best way to move forward. I would also like to finish our twin flame book someday. It has been on the backburner while we delved into all these other things that have felt much more critical.
On a positive note, we know that amazing things are coming to everyone, even to those that have been asleep to evil. But many must be held accountable first. Those that have participated in evil, such as manipulating the public through mainstream media, those involved in the Satanic torture and sale of children for sex trafficking/adrenochrome, governmental corruption, all of it, thousands of people need to be held accountable for their actions. They need to be held accountable so the world can finally genuinely wake up to what has been going on while they slept. They need to be held accountable so we can all move forward into divine light. For the deepest sleepers, this may be the shock they need to begin to wake them up.
This world has gone off the deep end into darkness, and it needs balance. The swamp DOES need to be drained and dried out. I believe this is the year we will finally see the scales tip in the other direction towards more light. But we have to be willing to stop being blind and lazy and not willing to look at what has been kept hidden within ourselves and in our world. We must go within. And we must research to find out what is going on and turn away from Satanic NWO-controlled mainstream media.
If you go within and question things, you will get much better at finding out the difference between what is real and what is false. We have to be willing to see what we don’t want to look at. Because waking up has everything to do with what we are unwilling to see and are hiding from. Our biggest fears are based on illusions most of the time. And if we do not ever understand where our fears or motivations are coming from, we will never find the ultimate Truth of our existence. You must unpeel all the mind layers to get at its root and understand what the mind is. When you understand what the mind is and where it comes from, you find Home. This is where you find that you and God are One and were never separate at all.
I love the line in this song by Muse at the video link below: “If we could flip a switch and open our Third Eye, we would never be afraid to die.”
All you need to do to flip that switch is admit what you are afraid of and trace those stories back to their inception. Then fears have a chance to burn/digest through and dissolve so more light can filter through your entire being. What is left is what you truly are without all the mental and emotional distortions.
Attention to awareness is what opens the Third Eye. In pure Awareness there is nothing to fear at all because pure Awareness is the light of Truth/God itself: Muse – “Uprising”
Thank you, I’ve recently been searching for facts about this topic for ages and yours is the best I have found so far.
Good website! I really love how it is easy on my eyes and the data are well written. I am wondering how I might be notified when a new post has been made. I’ve subscribed to your RSS which must do the trick! Have a nice day!
Due to the content on our site, we are being heavily censored. Our email program that was supposed to send emails to our subscribers stopped working quite a long time ago and we have never been able to fix it. Apologies for the inconvenience, but it is happening to many people who try to speak the truth.
I was not aware that you were being hammered like that! How do you crawl out from the encroaching slime?
Having read this I thought it was very informative. I appreciate you taking the time and effort to put this article together. I once again find myself spending way to much time both reading and commenting. But so what, it was still worth it!
You could certainly see your enthusiasm in the work you write. The world hopes for even more passionate writers like you who aren’t afraid to say how they believe. Always go after your heart.
I was just searching for this information for some time. Dario Kulka
Thanks for sharing, this is a fantastic article post. Really looking forward to read more. Keep writing. Robbie Senegal
Enjoyed looking at this, very good stuff, thanks. “The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.” by Mother Theresa.
Really appreciate you sharing this blog article. Really thank you! Really Cool. Granville Anaya
Thanks,Amy,for your soulful message.Lets cheer up.We have help.There are many here at this particular time to help.They are all over, unknown but doing great and dangerous jobs.The living Earth itself is purging itself of darkness.We are entering a timeline where negative energies cannot exist.Besides, we have off-world beings tirelessly working behind the scenes.Lets shine our inner light and raise our consciousness.
We are winning.We are just witnessing the desperation of a cornered cabal.Sure, there’s going to be some confusion and mayhem,but they’re the dying pangs of s fatality wounded beast.
All is well.
Thank you, Ahmed. 🙂 Much love to you. 🙂